Account Questions
Enter your username/userid and password and click on 'Login'. In most cases, your userid is same as your payroll number else confrim with HR department. If it is you first time to login, click on 'I forgot password' and enter your userid. Click on 'Send Me', a temporary computer generated password will be sent to your email, enter the password and proceed to login.
Click on 'I forgot password' and enter your userid. Click on 'Send Me', a temporary computer generated password will be sent to your email, enter the password and proceed to login.
In most cases, your userid is same as your payroll number else confrim with HR department.
Ask your HR department to specify in the system the company you belong to.
Ask your HR department to specify in the system the database you belong to.
Your account in this application is strictly your's and no one in HR department, IT department and the vendor of the application has access to your account or should ask for your userid and password. Your password is stored in the database in a hashed/encrypted format and therefore it cannot be reversed.
Yes, from the left side navigation bar, click on 'My Profile' and then click on 'Change password' a form will be presented and you will be required to enter the current and the new password. Similarly, go to your account avatar and select 'Change password'.
The answer is yes or no. Acessibility of this application from anywhere including home and cyber will depend on how its hosted by your organization/company. The application is reponsive to both computer, laptop, tablet and phone.
The answer is no. Your account will be terminated.
General Questions
The services includes.
1. Leave planning.
2. Leave application and approval.
3. Tracking of individual employee's leave balances as well as company totals.
4. Tracking of leave liabilities and monetary value.
5. Viewing and downloading of leave reports.
6. Viewing and downloading of payslips and P9s.
7. Employees recruitment and training.
8. Employees performance review and appraisal.
Login to you account, on the left navigation, click on leave and absence, select leave request. A form will be presented to you, select the type of leave, the start and stop date, note some type of leave may require attachment(s) and lastly click on submit.
It is a good practice to notify your supervisor and or HR office. The application allows you to delete/withdraw the request as long as your approver(s) had not responded to it. Go to utilities, enter the leave form number and click on delete button.
You are required to notify your supervisor and or HR office so that your leave records can be adjusted accordingly.
Notify you supervisor and or HR office so that the leave can be un-processed or disapproved.
Yes, if you made a mistake during application, you are advised to immediately go to utilities, enter the leave form number and edit or delete the leave request. Note, processed, approved and disapproved requests cannot be edited or deleted.
When logged in, go to leave and absence on the left navigation and click on my approvers.
Yes, it is possible that your leave approver(s) get changed. The new leave approver(s) are automatically forwarded your pending leave requests.
No, the system is aware of your working days/calendar, in case of wrong computation of leave days, notify HR office.
No, rejected leave days don't affect your leave balances and records.
Yes, at some point an approver may want to approve some days and disapprove some days, this is all possible. Note the leave form number and go to utilities and enter the number, click on process and go to leave records, select the days you want to approve and click on approve, repeat the same to disapprove some days.
No. The records maintained by this application are usually synchronized before generating reports and any anomaly noted.
Policy Questions
No. Please adhere to your company policy,
This will depend on your company policy
No, in case of errors and or omissions notify HR office because you don't have rights to edit your records.
Leave application is considered approved when all approvers accept your requests.
The system will not allow such application to go through and or your leave approver(s) will reject your request.
Contact your HR office and let the vendor of the application provide help.